When you are busy attending your guests, we ensure you do not miss out any bits of your dream event by capturing every details with an efficient team of photographers.
Photography has come to an age of visual art now and professionals of our kind of associates delivers the best to capture your moments for you to cherish lifelong.
When it comes to still, candid photographs gives the best essence of the mood of celebration. Our team of specializes in delivering the best of you with their work of art.
And in videography, the high definition of resolution ensures the vivid details and the quality editing gives you the cinematic effect to your dream event.
In the era when social presence is defined with the presence in social medias, Dream bubbles, the best event management company in Kolkata ensures best of you online.
When you are planning for an wedding, to add to glamour of your celebration we arrange pre-wedding photo shoots, still as well as teaser videos to cater your need to socialize to the next level.